
Meet the Contributors

Melissa Davis and her husband Jeremy are missionaries in São Paulo, Brazil, where they've lived for the past six years. Jeremy works at an international Christian school, and Melissa spends her days with their two boys. While she studied philosophy and theater at Wheaton College, these days you will mostly find her playing Narnia with the big boy, washing dirt off the baby, and taking small steps towards becoming an urban homesteader. 

Katie J. is a mom of two, with ten years of experience in teaching and instructional design. Originally from Wisconsin, she spent some time teaching in Indonesia, Cleveland, and Kansas City before moving with her husband to Madison in 2016. Some of her greatest joys are experiencing international culture, getting outdoors, and helping people truly own what they’re learning (even toddlers getting the hang of sharing). She holds an M.Ed. from Valparaiso University with a Reading Specialist Certification. 

Roann Mathias is an artist and educator as well as a mother of three grown children (who are not bleeding, crying, or in jail). When her children were young, she juggled her freelance art career with home responsibilities. She developed her calligraphy skills through attending and teaching workshops all over the US and had work published in several leading art journals (check out her art website here). She completed her MFA in 2015 and teaches art history at Southwest Tennessee Community College. In 2020, she relocated to Madison to be near her daughter Sarah’s family and holds the titles “White House Chef” and “Best Gigi Ever.” She enjoys cooking, photography, playing with her granddaughters and being in nature.    

Sarah E. Sterk is a mom of two living in Verona, WI. She has been a Spanish teacher for almost ten years and a wife for eight. When she isn't teaching or raising her kids, she might be baking delicious desserts or planning a get-together. She is also an avid reader and crafter. She hails from Glen Ellyn, IL.

Sarah M. White is a Christian mom of two delightful daughters (toddler and baby) living in Madison, WI. She works part-time as an academic guidance counselor and as a writer. In August 2020, she signed the contract for her first book with TPRS Books. She is also a vocalist and dabbles in songwriting. Whenever she gets any free time, you will find her writing, knitting, baking, or walking the dog and stopping to take pictures of flowers. 

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