
About Me

I'm Sarah, Christian mom of two girls ages two and under living in Madison, WI. I'm getting back into writing after a many years hiatus working in education. 

When I asked my two-year old, "What does Mommy know a lot about?" she replied: 

"Mommy know about crackers, 
and grapes and water tables, 
and Lacy (the dog) and Daddy. 
Mommy know about you (her)
and Gigi too, and Baby E." 

I love talking about mom topics like birth, breastfeeding, daily struggles, boredom, and the joys and paradoxes of parenting. I enjoy books, food, music, and visiting cool places in my city. 

How the Blog Works

This blog is all about bringing resources and value to moms with young children. I post thematically by day because I believe in the power of novelty. Just give me one new or different thing to get me through the day. 
  • Music Monday-- an encouraging song 
  • Tuesday-- an original poem or writing-related post
  • Wednesday-- food ideas and easy recipes 
  • Thursday-- reading and books 
  • Friday Fun-day-- an outing or activity idea
Want to hear about something specific? Post a comment. 

Glad to have you here. 
Lilacs at the UW Arboretum, 5/20.
