Change the Spread, Change Everything

The Beauty of Novelty

In a season where life can feel pretty repetitive, novelty can help. Small things that are new and different help us feel happier and more hopeful about life as a whole. Can't change the world? Change your sandwich. 

Three spread changes to try

Almond butter

My husband made almond butter and jelly one day, and I said, "Ewwwww. How could you?" Then I had to stop eating peanuts because of our daughter's eczema/allergies. So, guess who started eating almond butter and jelly? I actually like it better than the original. Try it. It's delicious. 


During the time I couldn't eat dairy or egg, I went through sooooo many avocados/week. I had them on everything: turkey sandwiches, wraps, toast, etc. Smash it down on the bread/sandwich vehicle first. Then you can add a tiny sprinkling of salt or a splash of salsa for extra flavor. 


Hummus is a great addition to a sandwich or wrap, but it can also hold its own as a wrap filling. I like it with thinly sliced English cucumber and tomato. 

Not pictured: avocado... because we ate them all. 

What other spreads have you tried?
