Summer Reading: Novels and Memoir in Verse

Looking for something to read this summer? I am getting into novels in verse. 

A novel in verse tells a story in... you guessed it, verse! Many people believe poetry is inaccessible to them, but a good novel in verse seamlessly weaves together plot, imagery and beautiful language. They are quick reads that sink into your soul. 

My favorite so far is The Crossover, by Kwame Alexander (2014). I read it on vacation in a couple of nights. I couldn't put it down. If you've never read it, I would start there. 

The majority of novels in verse are written for a Young Adult audience, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy them, too. Most are fictional, but the two pictured below by Margarita Engle are memoir. 

Comment with any great novel in verse recommendations for me : )
