Visit Prairie Moraine County Park and Dog Park

Prairie Moraine County Park and Dog Park

Posted by Sarah M. White

Today's Friday Fun-day site is a park I used to go ALL THE TIME pre-kids, Prairie Moraine County Park and Dog Park*. We have just started to go again now that Caroline (age 2) can walk it herself. I would not recommend a stroller for this park because the terrain is a little rough, but a baby carrier works great. 

Prairie Moraine is a 160 acre park with many trails to explore, beautiful wildflowers, butterflies, red-winged blackbirds, and bunnies. We even saw a deer once! This park exemplifies the beauty of Wisconsin in every season. The blog cover photo (the Queen Anne's lace) was taken there and so was the picture for "Open Space" (the big field). 

Prairie Moraine is a great spot for the whole family to get some good exercise! If you like hiking, there's an entrance to the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. 

I love this park and have many fond memories in it. Looking forward to making more in the years to come. 

Memories like the discovery of GRAVEL. 

*Having a dog is not a requirement to visit this park, but it would be good to be comfortable around dogs. This is not a big socializing dog park because it is so spread out. If you are going without a dog, park at the first entrance where it has the sign for the Ice Age Trail. There are usually not many dogs there. The second entrance at the end of the road is where all the dogs go into the park. 
