Four Ways to Encourage Friends You Can't See Right Now

Four Ways to Encourage Friends You Can't See Right Now 

Posted by Sarah M. White 

This is every card, note and letter that I have received since March 2020. I keep them stacked on my dresser where I can see them every day. When this is over, they're all going into a shoebox labeled "Pandemic Mail" so that I can keep them forever. There are letters, birthday cards, birth announcements from friends, thank you notes, etc. 

As we're gearing up for winter and in the midst of another wave of high case numbers in WI, I'm reviewing the ways that are available to me to connect with my friends or encourage them. Here are four ideas for how you can help your friends when you can't see them. 

1. Write a Letter 

Writing a letter shows that you care and you're willing to take time out of your day to do something thoughtful for someone else. With kids running around, I find that I can get my thoughts down more easily in a letter than I could if I was actually with the person while both of our kids were present! Everyone loves getting a handwritten letter in the mail. You can also include treats for the kids, like a coloring page or a few stickers. 

2. Drop off a Treat 

This can be a baked treat, an activity for the kids, or something else. Around April, a friend did a drive-by drop off of a four pack of sidewalk chalk. Drop off books, food, toys, flowers, whatever you think your friend would like or could use. Preparing the treat can be an activity for you and your kids-- baking together, or preparing the gift, or choosing some books together to give. 

3. Meal Gift Card

If you don't have a ton of time to make something or write a letter, you could get your friend a meal gift card. This gift is easy for everyone-- easy for you to give, and super easy for your friend to not have to make dinner one night. The restaurant will also be grateful for your business. 

4. Call Your Friend 

Set up a time to talk to your friend on the phone-- with or without video. Pour yourself a glass of wine and pour out your heart to your friend. 

What other ways have you found to connect with or encourage your friends in this time? How have you been encouraged by friends? 
