November Welcome

November Welcome  

Posted by Sarah M. White 

Welcome to To the Mom Next Door. Here's an update on me and what to expect on the blog this month. 

My October was filled with lots of good things-- lots of time outdoors enjoying the beauty of fall, the launch of my guidance class at school, and a really nice visit from my grandma and aunt. Students who are applying for early decision have met the Nov. 1 deadline! In the writing world, illustrations are in progress for my Spanish book. I am beginning the process of learning about query letters and agents for my memoir-in-verse. 

The world seems like a hard place right now, and everyone is talking about the importance of taking care of yourself this week. Cases in WI have skyrocketed. The election is Tuesday, but who knows when we'll find out the result. I've been reading Psalm 46 every night: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea." 

Now, more than ever, is the time to do what you do and use it to encourage people. Make art. Sing your song, both literally and metaphorically. Don't give way to fear. I say this you as well as to myself. When it feels like a crisis, send your roots down deep and drink from that river that makes glad the city of God (Ps. 46:4). 

Coming up on the blog: 
  • More Choices. The last few chapters are the most dense! 
  • Favorite Thanksgiving recipes like pecan pie 
  • Easy fall recipes 
  • Friday fun-day activities and outing ideas 
Keep doing what you do, one day at a time. 


Snow-dusted daisy at Olbrich Gardens, 10/25/20
