Visit the Zoo: Amazing Animals and Few Humans

Visit the Zoo: Amazing Animals and Few Humans 

Posted by Sarah M. White 

As it gets colder and colder, the number of cars in the zoo parking lot decreases. But, you can still have a great time! The animals are active in the morning. We visited last Friday and had one of our best zoo visits ever. 

The newest seal, Sammye, really made our visit. She was so playful. She swam up to the glass and put her face against it where we were putting our hands. I've never seen a seal do this before. 

We also saw the new two-year-old polar bear, Bo, short for Borealis. He was the only bear out, and he was roaming through both of the enclosures, rolling on the ground, jumping in the water. It was quite a show. 

Zoolights is also starting up today! 

Follow Henry Vilas Zoo on Instagram if you want to learn about their animals and zoo updates. 

For extra fun on your Friday Fun-day, pick up lunch from Everly or another Monroe St. restaurant. 
