Snow Painting with Squirt Bottles

It's snowing right now! We're due to get another 3-6 inches. Last week, the PSAT that I spent several weeks planning was snowed out. I'm giving my students a lot of credit. though, because half of them came in to test anyway! Here's a little girl who will not be taking the PSAT anytime soon, but she will be emptying Mommy's supply of food coloring with all the snowmen she's decorating. 

I can't remember who told me about this (sorry!), but it's an amazing snow activity. They actually sell tiny squirt bottles at Michael's pre-filled with dye for this very purpose. Ours didn't work. 

Fill a squirt bottle with water. Add food coloring. Mix. Have fun. That should keep your toddler busy for at least 10 minutes. 
