Stained Glass Valentine's Hearts

Caroline and I have been making stained glass hearts to send as Valentines. I like them so much that I might have to make more to keep for myself! The rising sun design is my favorite because it's so hopeful. 

This activity is definitely an adult + child activity because it requires cutting with a sharp knife, but, if your child can use a glue stick, you're in business. Gluing on the tissue paper squares is the child part of this craft. 


  • black cardstock or black construction paper 
  • scissors
  • pencil to draw designs
  • exacto knife (scissors would work for making BIG hearts) 
  • tissue paper cut into aprox. 1" squares 
  • glue stick 


1. Cut hearts out of black paper or cardstock. 

2. Cut shapes or designs out of hearts. 

3. Toddler glues on tissue paper squares. 

4. Trim any excess tissue paper around the heart 

5. Display or send 

Happy Valentine's Day! 
