March Welcome

Hi, Friends! 

You know you're a parent in a pandemic when... 

...your evening entertainment consists of watching your child try to pick up a dropped stuffed animal through the bars of her crib. "She dropped Bruno. She's trying to reach him. She's not going to be able to reach him. What will she do next? Oh! Start playing with the pillow. Classic." 

...the fact that your mother can run out to the grocery store to buy a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread right before dinner makes you feel like you're on vacation. 

...walking outside in spring weather makes you throw your hands in the air because you're alive! 

We celebrated Elissa's first birthday at the zoo. We had perfect weather, and no one had a meltdown. She ate her entire smash cake, except a few crumbs, and then ate a plate or two of her favorite pesto pasta. 

I added dairy back into my diet, and parts of it have been amazing, like eating chocolate whenever I want. But I've also realized that I made too big of a deal about it in my mind. It's nice to have the feeling of restriction taken away, even if I don't choose to eat a slice of cheese every day. At least I get to choose. 

At work, we're getting into testing season, and I am underwater. I think it will be like this for all of March and April. So, probably all I can offer on the blog this month is a curry chicken recipe and perhaps an interview about reading. And maybe share some of what I've read about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and fetal cell lines. 

Happy March, and happy SPRING, 

