Interview: Reading Widely to See the World
My guest today prefers to remain anonymous, so she will be known only as the mysterious [B]. [B] and I have been friends for about ten years. We went to the same college and stood one person apart at graduation, but we didn't become friends until we both moved to Madison at the same time. We started a little writer's club at Starbucks and workshopped each other's work. Writer's club evolved into breakfast club. We had Zoom club over the worst of the pandemic, and now we're meeting in person again thanks to the vaccine! The diversity of [B]'s reading list has always impressed me, and I often wonder where she finds out about all of these books! I like to read fiction, and, although I'm branching out more these days, I still like to read books that make me feel good. [B], on the other hand, uses reading as a tool to help her see the world more as it really is. This is an area that I would like to grow in, even though it may not be comfortable. [B] agreed to an...